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Common Ground Common Future Conference: Call for papers


The global rise of populism, nationalism and isolationism serves as fuel for conflict and polarization and leads to a (social) unrest and alienation, and at the same time a growing sense of injustice. This affects not only individuals and groups but also nations. Media and their "trend themes" have become the virtual trenches for "truth" versus "truth". The aggression from the internet propagates in the physical environment. Conspiracy theories emerge in response to events that are so far-reaching that people do not believe in or cannot understand the official version. In this, it is important to understand how narratives work, how they promote certain qualities over others and how this can be abused. In times of crisis, conflict and polarization, it can pay to build on unifying stories to find a good basis for a common future and a sustainable and secure coexistence. We have to find the story we can gather around.


Common Ground Common Future is an Erasmus + KA2 project that aims to see how to work with narratives can strengthen an individual and a community through knowledge and skills in the use of narration, especially in conflict-filled situations. The project consists of partners from Cyprus, Kosovo, the Netherlands, Norway and Romania. This two-year project concludes with a two-day conference. The conference will be organized by the Department of Art, Design and Drama at Oslomet - metropolitan university on the following dates: 30 September and 1 October 2021. The conference will be held at Oslomet - metropolitan university.


Read more about the project here:


We want exciting and current contributions to the conference. We invite contributions from academics, professionals in different fields, master's students, doctoral students, storytellers and other artists. The conference theme encourages a diversity of perspectives and research orientation. Challenges and questions concerning established ideas in storytelling and oral storytelling are also welcome.


Conference language: English, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. Abstracts and biography has to be in English.

Submit your abstract of 300 words + 3 keywords, as well as Biography of 200 words (NB. Abstract and biography must be submitted as two documents) within 15th of May 2021.


The abstracts will be assessed in relation to aims, methods, theoretical basis and tentative findings. Please address your contribution to one of the following categories:

1. Session - (20 min + 10 min Q&A)

2. Performance lecture (20 min + 10 min Q&A)

3. Workshop (1 - 3 hours)

4. storytelling performance (30 min to 1 hour)


The contributions are peer-reviewed. To simplify the review process, authors are responsible for removing all identifying information from their abstracts. The author name in self-citations must be replaced with "Author" in quotations, reference entries and footnotes in the text. Send your abstract and biography to Mark the email with Common Ground Common Future conference.


For more information, contact

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